No respawn mod?

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Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 03.12.2016 21:05

I absolutely hate respawning. So, I would like to add a "no respawn" (or "respawn every 999 days" or such) mod, but I'm wondering if it's likely to seriously mess up with the game or if it should work just fine, since I've no clue what secondary/unintended effects it could have.

Does anybody know?
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Registriert: 01.11.2016 16:09
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I can tell you from experience that not everything respawns in this game.

I have two level 40+ and one level 30+, and I do a lot of off-road roaming/rangering. I've seen some things that respawned after I returned to an area several days later. But, there are several areas where even weeks later, nothing has respawned.

I don't mind respawning because that gives me a chance to go back in and get more experience points. This works for me because I play in areas where the enemies are little above my character's level, so the points are real good. The fights are awesome, too. Nothing like sneaking through a closed door and and have enemies on the other side. It may take me 4-5 tries to get it right, but eventually I'll kill them all without dying.

Good luck.
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