Bash Patch 

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Rev. Felix
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 14.05.2017 06:32

I started using Wrye Bash for Nehrim, to manage mod LO and thought, hey wouldn't it be cool to make some bash tweaks! One problem... OBLIVION.ESM! I have spent 2 days researching how to remove this nuisance, and all I really found helpful was something about copying oblivion.esm .py character files into nehrim.esm. Unfortunately, I can find no instruction on how to do it or what program I need to 'unpack' the oblivion.esm file.

Edit... Is there anybody out there?
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I'm just trying to figure out what you plan to do?

Oblivion.esm has nothing to do with Nehrim
You do not have to unpack it, because it's just a control file for Oblivion.
You only need Wrye Bash if more than one mod on the same thing changes something.
My advice: leave Wrye Bash and also the Oblivion.esm away.
Or what do you want to achieve?

Excuse my english, it's just the google translator.
Rev. Felix
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 14.05.2017 06:32

Thank you for your response:) Basically, I have been converting oblivion mods to work on nehrim for private use, with a lot of success. I am currently running 35 data files, including all of the nehrim english version stuff. That makes about 32 of them mods. I am also running many obse plugins. All is well with my install, it's actually surprisingly stable. But I was wanting to bash patch it for options that you can't easily adjust. Like playable armor, setting tweaks for projectiles, and others. It can also help minimize my esp load a bit. I have separate nehrim and oblivion folders, cs, tes4edit, boss, and pinnacle profile setups for both. My only obstacle is literally wrye bash forcing the oblivion.esm into the mix for nehrim bash patch. I've combed the forums and the web for "how or why" it does this, and came up with not much. Before you ask... None of my mods are dependent on the oblivion.esm file, I made sure. I did find this forum topic, but couldn't figure out what they were talking about precisely.
Rev. Felix
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 14.05.2017 06:32

So it turns out that the latest release of Wrye Bash 306(Standalone) has a "create dummy masters" feature. It tells you to not activate the bash dummy, but it worked for me that way. To do it, just right click on the 'Bashed Patch, 0.esp' and it's the top option under file.
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