No English Voice Acting Please

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Nicolas Samuel
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Of course! There wouldn't be much point in translating the whole game and leaving the dialogues out. ;)
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Registriert: 06.02.2013 11:52

What hit me the most about Nehrim voice acting was the incredible quality (especially compared to other voiced mods).
Even if I couldn't understand a word of what Narathzul Arantheal was saying without relying on subtitles, I could still feel his anger, sorrow and desperation.
Whay worries me about English voice acting for Enderal is that it might not live up to the standards that have been set by Nehrim.

And, I have to admit, warcries are much more bloodcurdling in German... :mrgreen:
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badgesareus hat geschrieben:
I just realized I am making an assumption that might not be correct. If Enderal has English voices, will it also have English subtitles? There are quite possibly many people who can read English well but have difficulty understanding spoken English.
It probably will since even the German version had German subs if I remember correctly.

@Latiro - then why wasn't that fixed in Nehrim already? :lol:
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Registriert: 08.02.2013 00:22

As it is late to add something from it, don't care. SureAI is known for it's mods. I just found out recently that you even existed, I only known that a group of people that makes the Elder Scrolls mods so much better that it competes with the creators themselves. With the track history of overwhelming mods SureAI creates I have a lot of respect for you.

It doesn't need to be "No English" thing, it can be in an German kind of speech/way. We get the Nordic feeling when we play Skyrim, well this is a mod so "extend" the feeling to add a German-ish population. Some lines like cursing can be in German so it's "censored" in English, there are many possibilities right there. Me, I am just excited that there are group of people that dedicate themselves to a game and spend time with adding new content but to be honest.. if there was NO English at all, it would break the immersion/feeling of the game. First you hear the regular voice actors and then you hear a total German language change. SureAI should go as far as make Japanese voice actors, their animes has German speaking voice actors too. It will attract more people like that (which everyone wants, more people to join for the mod).
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Registriert: 18.08.2013 07:37
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I am perfectly happy with just text. I am English and don't speak German so text is fine for me, and I rather they save their time and money for other things.
Al Ciao
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Registriert: 19.06.2011 14:25
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Just throwing in my opinion that I am glad they are going with English voice acting. I appreciate it, even though I know it's extra work. Thanks. :D
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Registriert: 02.12.2011 19:52
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I'm confused, so are they going to record everything in both English and German?
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Registriert: 07.01.2011 21:25
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Yes, at least that's how I understood them ;)
Unlike Nehrim, where the english version only featured subtitles, the english version of Enderal will have englisch voice acting as well.
Beiträge: 130
Registriert: 25.05.2011 18:59

That's right. The plan is to release a german and an english version, so it's yours to chose!
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Registriert: 17.07.2011 19:09
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badgesareus hat geschrieben:
Would it be possible to install the game with German voice and English text, or would English text only be available when installing the English voice version?
That would be great! :thumbsup: People who rather want to hear german instead of english, but still want to understand it (thanks to english subtitles) should be satisfied then, I guess. Wouldn't be a bad idea, if SureAI would implement such a feature in the options (or elsewhere, I don't know) of Enderal.

badgesareus hat geschrieben:
Or perhaps there is someone who would like the English voice with German text? :shock:
That's not as uncommon as you might think. Here in Germany it's kind of popular to hate the german versions of games, movies, shows, etc. (Although I'm not one of "them" :wink: )

badgesareus hat geschrieben:
What you will probably hear a few thousand times is "Ich bin im Dienst"
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