English translation would not apply

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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 09.07.2016 12:11

So I've come recently through seven circles of hell to make this mod work. However, the english translation doesn't work for some reason, even though I've copied all necessary files and they are in the right loading order. What can it be?
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: 23.11.2016 22:37

What I did to get it to work was to open the data files and only check the MA_RoK_Eng v0001.esm and the Additional_journal_translations_ENG.esp

I read it somewhere while trying to find a solution and it works for me. The only bug I've found is that it still only uses Vanilla Morrowind races rather than the modded ones, but it's better than not working at all.
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