[Announcement] Enderal: Forgotten Stories (DLC)

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Nicolas Samuel
Beiträge: 1669
Registriert: 13.10.2011 12:39
Hat sich bedankt: 371 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 682 Mal

It will be a seperate .esm and .bsa to load alongside "Vanilla Enderal". :)
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Registriert: 29.12.2016 20:31
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

This is literally amazing, I loved playing through Enderal but to be honest I'm terrified to return, after only recently getting my social life back on track after playing through the game.
I'm really worried that in order to play this DLC will I need to have a new character, or be at a certain point in the game, considering most of my save games are located at the very end, or what, I'm not entirely sure how this will start.
If I need a new character #RipMySocialLife.
#CaliaIsAmazing, #TooManyHashtags
Deleted User 23162

By far the best RPG I have played in a very long time. It takes a lot to keep my attention in RPG games these days and it was the story alone that kept me engaged. Very emotionally moving. Great concept. I hope this story-line and universe continues.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 06.01.2017 17:44
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal

From day 1, it felt that Skyrim is a datadisk of Enderal and not vice versa. For me, truly breathtaking, well made RPG.
Extra ending sounds awesome, but those included are already deep enough.

Spoilers ahead:
The best save to have without finishing the game IMO is just before you bring the crystal from Silvergrove. Store it in secure chest and carry on with other quests, adventures, etc.
Velho e Bom Joe
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16.01.2017 02:52

Woah, nice! looking forward to it.

The only thing I miss from vanilla Skyrim however is the crossbow (which I think fits amazingly on Enderal's slightly more advanced technology level). Is it possible to "trim" the Dawnguard esp to make it "compatible"(as in, just include gameplay stuff, not the worlspaces) with Enderal? possibly including on the launcher, checking if the user legitimately owns the DLC? I really wanted to use the crossbow on my second playthrough :)
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 14.09.2016 19:48
Hat sich bedankt: 2 Mal
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This is really exciting news! I'll be following this DLC very closely, thanks for all of your work Nick :)
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 22.01.2017 14:34

Really amazing Rpg, the story line, the side quests, the characters, very well written, very addictive and emotional too.
It's like a great movie that leaves you wondering what to do with your life after finishing it :D.
Very excited about the new ending for the main quest, even tho
I was happy that I got to save Calia one last time, tho it felt a bit like a sudden end
Thank you for this game, and the experience of playing it.
PS: More Calia quests please, #LoveCalia :)).
Beiträge: 294
Registriert: 16.10.2011 22:29
Hat sich bedankt: 15 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 15 Mal

Hi Nicolas. I have a question for you. I am thinking about donating because you said you are paying out of your own earnings so you can work on this DLC for us so thank you for that. So what are the extra benefits of becoming a patron on patreon?
Nicolas Samuel
Beiträge: 1669
Registriert: 13.10.2011 12:39
Hat sich bedankt: 371 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 682 Mal

Hey Hazzmat!
As of now, there aren't any special benefits yet - it's a tricky subject, because we cannot sell anything related to Enderal. I've thought about making a sort of personal devblog only accessible to my patrons, but that's still in the making. So far supporting me on Patreon is a pure show of goodwill. :)
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 19.05.2017 12:26

Hi Nicolas! Sorry for my bad English. I've just finished the game, i don't know how to put in words. Amazing content, beautiful areas, mindblown story-line etc. I keep recommend Enderal to my closest friends. I've seen that the game mainly based on magic and spell usage. As an archer for the first time i feel the marksmanship side of the martial arts been nerfed a little bit. :?: Is there any way to balance this a little bit in the Forgotten Stories DLC? Might the hunter community will be interested in and so do I :wink: Any way keep up the good work, we're waiting for the new content!!! :D

Here's what i meant with all this:
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