Die Suche ergab 40 Treffer

Die Suche ergab 40 Treffer Seite 1 von 4
von yatol
02.12.2016 14:40
Forum: Support
Thema: Gate guard never opens the gate to Silvergrove
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 2456

that's because you are in his path after he is done blabla

go back to earlier save and talk to him on his right
or punch him, run over him, fus do rah him

there's some blabla after he close the door, wait for that, you will crash if you try going to the city and is too far from him for that
von yatol
14.11.2016 15:51
Forum: Support
Thema: Application Load Error? [solved]
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 5598

it's your steam.exe that have crash, you can't load skyrim without that crap
von yatol
09.11.2016 14:37
Forum: Questions, Critique & Wishes
Thema: Will crafting be ever fixed?
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 2154

I really don't understand why can the Player not learn the recipes like spells.. why don't you take care of that? add recipe coffer in house copy paste all constructible items as overwrite replace script, replace player id by the recipe coffer id now instead of having to have the recipes in your in...
von yatol
05.11.2016 16:12
Forum: Questions, Critique & Wishes
Thema: progression question
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 2608

Shadow Steel weapons are not in use - not even one of them, hence balancing is not necessary. i wrote weaponS... have drop the last weapons damage to glass, ebony, daedric for crafting i just use whatever i use in skyrim profile there's a mod on nexus to get most missing forge recipe enderal potion...
von yatol
03.11.2016 18:47
Forum: Questions, Critique & Wishes
Thema: progression question
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 2608

2.) Difficulty is a personal choice I guess. Have to play the cards Beth gave us, but here's a link to someone who expressed the idea of it being a disappointment better than I can. http://hubpages.com/games-hobbies/skyrim-difficulty-settings while i run after caster number 1, caster number 2 will ...
von yatol
27.10.2016 06:58
Forum: Questions, Critique & Wishes
Thema: progression question
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 2608

This sounds arrogant, but can't understand why people say it's too hard. flying through enderal mean he don't see any challenge... to make enderal harder, you can - use more aggressive combat style - deadly combat (more initial damage, less gain from perk, this make low level npc stronger without m...
von yatol
25.10.2016 22:00
Forum: Quest Guides / Help
Thema: skill guide
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 4721

Do you know what changed about the crafting skills that they aren't useful any more? Alchemy and Enchanting skill used to add directly to the efficacy of the item in question so that shouldn't have changed but apparently they did. nothing was change they have replace the perk tree for the sake of r...
von yatol
25.10.2016 11:41
Forum: Quest Guides / Help
Thema: skill guide
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 4721

From what I've read, no one seems to know. if your bow do 20 damage with 0 in archery, with 100 points in archery it will do 30 damage if your sword do 100 damage with 0, with 20 in two hands, it will do 110 damage if your armor have 40 armor with 0, with 50 in heavy armor it will have 50 armor not...
von yatol
25.10.2016 03:00
Forum: Modifications
Thema: Unique Races
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 6958

No race records: most (or all) humanoids race use skinnaked armor for their skin (the first one when you click in armor in that mod) when the game load a npc, it add skinnaked armor to their inventory (armor without name, you can't see it when you loot the npc) then it load the armor addon that rac...
von yatol
22.10.2016 18:04
Forum: Discussion
Thema: starting out
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 4164

I guess it might be risking to use racemenu, so if you want to be completely safe don't use it. But coming from me and lots of other people on Reddit, you're fine as long as you don't touch race or gender. new race starting stats aren't the same, game do his additions and fail for some reason you h...
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