Solved - Stuck in the game :(

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 19.05.2014 11:07


i was doing a quest where I had to go to the mountian monastry. When I got there the bridge went down and I was able to go Inside the monastry. I needed to talk to Callisto. But I couldn't talk to him.. I just got a blank screen and something like I have nothing to say to you.

I've tried over and over again, also loading my save again but nothing worked. I glithed myself out of the monastry but I cant get it anymore xD and the drawbridge is also closed....


I used player.moveto 001d7e39 to teleport to Callisto, it worked, but he Says: I have nothing to say to you


Solved: I waited a few hours in the monastry and suddenly Callisto began to speak.
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