Question for the SureAI team [Solved]

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Registriert: 13.02.2011 14:53


First off let me say wonderful game you have made (Nehrim), I loved it more than Oblivion.

I made a blank esp with vanilla data some time back to be used with TC's.
Code: Alles auswählen
(in code so as to not 'link' to another site, I don't want to be to rude my first post here.)
Now this is by no means a plug my file is long out of date and only supports vanilla.
I saw what you did with the installation basically taking the executable and link librarys and having your way with the rest of it and I think it is wonderful.

You inspired me to see if I could recreate my blank in a "fresh install" kind of way like your TC.
I haven't bothered Hexing my new blank yet as your process would allow me to just change the Chargenquest ID in the ini file and thus avoid changing the ID in the esp.

My question to you is this, how did you get oblivion to recognize the Nerhim.esm without modifying the executable or putting hooks in anywhere? Is it just a matter of naming rules? (Nerhim folder Nerhim.esm loaded?) If not can you share the details.
Once again I am impressed with the method of deployment of your mod and would like to learn more.

Thank you in advance, Wookiee.
Zuletzt geändert von Wookiee am 16.02.2011 05:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 13.02.2011 14:53

Never mind found out in your read me file :)

Thanks for including it there. For anyone who was curious the NehrimLauncher modifies the %localappdata%\Oblivion\Plugins.txt

I feel really stupid now but those are always the parts where I trip (searched through my registry and all) and I will have to hex edit my ChargenQuests form ID after all :)

Thanks again for the inspiration. Wookiee.

Edit: Also it occurs to me now if your doing all this through the launcher you may as well save the ini and text files of your own mod separately. As long as the launcher outlasts the Nehrim game running (not always in the event of a crash but there can be a fix in the launcher for this as well) basicly write your own ini files sitting beside the oblivion ones, on launcher start rename oblivion.ini (etc) to some misc backup and name yours over the top, when the launcher shuts down switch them back again. The bonus to this would (theoretically I have not tested it yet) manage your save files in a different location and there would be no messing with plugins switching back and forth between oblivion and Nehrim, anything saved to the Nehrim.ini would be there and there would be no need to touch the oblivion.ini at all. (Also allows you to use Charactergen Quest form ID's of something other than 0002466E but that is just a personal gripe I have with having to hex edit files to make em compatible) In the event of a crash run the launcher again (it checks for the renamed files rather than their original state and skips the initial switch reverting everything back again on shutdown)

I dunno just a thought.

Here even just this snippit.

This is NehrimSW.BAT
Code: Alles auswählen
@echo off
CD %localappdata%\Oblivion\
IF EXIST Nehrim-Plug.txt (
rename Plugins.txt Plugins-back.txt
rename Nehrim-Plug.txt Plugins.txt
) ELSE (
rename Plugins.txt Nehrim-Plug.txt
rename Plugins-back.txt Plugins.txt
Here is a second Batch to make sure everything goes smoothly (crash or no)

And this is Nehrim.Bat
Code: Alles auswählen
@echo off
start /min NehrimSW.Bat
start /wait Oblivion.exe
start /min NehrimSW.Bat
Problem solved. replace Oblivion with Launcher as needed or set the launchers output ini files to the new location.

Having this Plugin switcher in a Batch file allows you to just call it from the shortcut (I am now using two slightly diff one for each short cut to make sure I have the right Plugins.txt loaded just before I boot the launcher/Oblivion.exe) but in terms of zero interference with Oblivion it would be better to call it from the launcher on startup and shutdown. Similar thing can be done for the Oblivion.ini hell it can all be done in one file.

Anyway just updating you on my plans and if they are helpful in anyway feel free to implement them yourselves.
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